4 myths about physiotherapy

by Steven Xuelong Qin, Clinic Director, Advanced Physio Care
2-minute read

Did you know that physiotherapists are here to restore your quality of life, to get you back to the activities that you enjoy before the injury, through scientifically proven exercises, modality, education, and ergonomic advice that is tailored to each individual patient? As well as debunking the myths, you can also answer the question “What is physiotherapy?” by reading this article.

Physio myth #1: Physiotherapists perform massages

Wrong. Physiotherapists diagnose the cause of pain and seek to treat it. This could require a spinal adjustment, exercise regime, a deep tissue massage, or any other treatment in our vast toolkit. Where a masseuse will work through a series of structured movements regardless of your condition, the physiotherapist will hone in on the condition and perform movements specific to resolving that issue.

Physio myth #2: Physiotherapists just teach exercises and send people home

Wrong. Your physiotherapist will use a host of treatment options, and if they use an exercise regime, then they will make sure you practice and understand the exercises thoroughly before leaving the clinic. The exercises will only treat the pain if you do them correctly, so it’s in both the patient’s and the physiotherapist’s best interests to ensure that the exercises are being performed the right way. Each time you visit your physiotherapist they will check the exercises and change the exercise regime according to your condition.

Physio myth #3: You need a doctor’s referral

Wrong. You do not need to be referred by a doctor, physiotherapists are trained first line responders. If you are struggling with significant chronic pain then a physiotherapist is the best entry point to treatment. Chronic pain is a struggle to live with, it is best to avoid unnecessary waiting and appointments and fast track to a healthy you.

Physio myth #4: Physiotherapists don’t treat spinal prolems

Wrong. Physiotherapy is recognised by the medical profession as one of the safest ways to treat spine problems conservatively. We can use adjustments similar to chiropractors as well as gentler treatments like exercise and massage. We are not limited to treatment of the spine, however, if your issue is affected by other parts of the body. If you want a holistic approach that is tailored to you, then physiotherapy may just be the answer.

But one physiotherapy treatment cannot solve your condition. Physiotherapy is about chronic pain management and mobility – the last thing we want to do is make your pain worse. If your issue is caused by chronic postural problems, old age, or sports impact, then there will be no silver bullet and it will not be solved overnight. If you are serious about your body lasting and keeping your mobility into old age, then you will need to commit to more than one physiotherapy session.

What next?

So make sure you consult a certified physiotherapist to understand the deep cause of your pain and get a tailored treatment programme. You are welcome to consult with me, Steven, from Advanced Physio Care near Capital Tower and I would be happy to help to keep you moving. You can also book a 20-minute diagnostic consultation with me by video call for just $1 a minute and decide where you want to go from there.

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